Disability Reviews

Age 18 Redetermination

  • The 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act requires that all youth who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) go through a redetermination process for their benefit eligibility at age 18.
  • At age 18, a review is scheduled to determine whether or not the condition or illness meets the SSA's definition of disability for an adult. The purpose of the Age 18 Redetermination is to review the current medical evidence to determine whether the young adult meets the criteria for disability under the adult criteria.

Continuing Disability Review

  • During the initial determination process, when someone is found disabled by SSA their file is set to be reviewed periodically. How often depends on their Medical Improvement Expected (MIE) date.
  • At that time, SSA will do an inquiry of their status of disability. This is called a Medical Continuing Disability Review (Medical CDR).
  • Since engaging in earned income is part of the initial determination process, when someone on benefits goes to work or is found to be working; SSA does a Work Continuing Disability Review (Work CDR).

Medical CDR vs. Work CDR

  • Medical CDR: To see if you have medically improved. Leads to termination of benefits.
  • Work CDR: To see if you are working at a substantial level. Leads to suspension.